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It starts with you.


About me 

I take the guess work out of you becoming who you want to be. Through Personal training and online coaching, I  help people live healthier, happier lives through improved fitness,

nutrition and mindset.


With over 15 years experience across multiple sports.

From representing GB as a competitive figure skater to mountain

ultra-endurance races, I bring diverse athletic and life

experiences to coaching.

My understanding of both mental and physical demands,

coupled with leadership experience at a director's level in high-stress

hospitality, uniquely qualifies me to help you grow and

achieve your goals. 


I get all those great feelings from seeing people achieve,

especially when I've helped them!

Can I help you?

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How I can help you.

How do I do it?



 We connect and discuss your current reality.



Where relevant, I complete a thorough biomechanics assessment. This will help us outline any poor movement pattern and gain metrics such a weight and body fat %.

Although daunting, This process forms part of our metrics for measuring success.

   Setting Goals 

 We'll take the picture formed from the data and reality set. Outline where you want to be and set specific goals.  

   Bespoke Programming 

 I'll take the goals and develop a personalised program to get us there. 


Hard work begins. We follow the plan. I guide, support and help hold you accountable as we work towards the goal. We'll celebrate the wins along the way. 

   Results & Review

We'll work together weekly to keep moving forward. But hit the pause button often and ensuring we review progress. This allows us to reflect, feedback, review of performance, make amends where necessary. Helping us avoid plateaus, burn outs and highlight the wins to build on. 

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Don't just take my word for it...

"I was lacking confidence in the gym and within myself. With Kelly’s support, guidance and motivation I quickly became more confident and understood more of what my body is capable of. Kelly broke down my weight loss journey in to achievable segments and provided the insight and knowledge I needed to understand how I would get to my goal. Kelly makes training fun (with her ridiculously dry wit) yet challenging and empowers me to show up each and every time to be the best version of myself."

It starts with you.

Book a complimentary discovery call today. 

This complimentary strategy call is to see where you’re at currently in your life and where you want to go.

Within our call together we will discuss:

  • How we can help you unlock your full potential and reach your health goals.

  • What are the current/ongoing obstacles that are holding you back?

  • Where do you visualise yourself in 3 months' time?

  • How prepared are you to work on taking back ownership of your life and health with our assistance and guidance? 

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